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Outreach Efforts so far

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

So far we haven't started our large-scale outreach work - we'll start it in mid-June.

9 June, 2020

- Had a meeting with Sheila (Nabraj's connection), who shared our programme with Kenyan AIESEC

5 June, 2020

- Hong Kong Baptist University agreed to be our official partner

2 June, 2020

- Education University of Hong Kong agreed to be our official partner

21 May, 2020

- Enactus agrees to be our official Supporter - they will circulate the program to their local student network and international Enactus community. They have given us their logo to put on our website as a supporter.

- Received an email from the Vice Chancellor of University of Leeds. He agrees with "your focus and recognise the importance of enabling students to connect at this difficult time – your webpage looks great! I’ve asked our International Student Office to have a look at the details and think about how they link with our existing provision and information for students and we’ll come back to you if we’d like to follow up."

20 May, 2020

- Singapore University of Social Science promoted our programme to their students via their online portal and sent email notices to their student support staff.

- Chinese University of Hong Kong - the VP promised to promote the program to their students

- University of Science and Technology - the VP promised to promote the program to their students. And if they find the response from their students positive, they will even agree to be an official supporter (having their logo on our program).

19 May, 2020

- D.H. Chen Foundation is going to meet with us on June 4 to discuss possible partnerships/ collaborations with us. They might be able to connect us with various secondary schools in Hong Kong.

- The University of Exeter Vice-Chancellor's Office forwarded our message to their Student's Guild.

Honorary Advisors

Mr. Alan Chow has connected us with 2 mentors – Prof Meanne Chan from HKU, an entrepreneur in the fields of mental wellness for youth, and Dr. Phyllis Chan, head of Psychiatric Dept at QMH – and both have agreed to be our Honorary Advisors to give us strategic guidance!

We will soon have a face-to-face meeting with them. Unfortunately, they’re both in HK, so sorry my international team members! Dr. Phyllis Chan will meet us in June. Who wants to be in the meeting? Pm me.

18 May, 2020

- Alan Chow promoted our programme on his LinkedIn page, shared it with some secondary schools and the Dean of Student Affairs at CUHK and UST. He said, "It is such a timely and meaningful initiative. So proud to have you as one of the D. H. Chen Foundation Scholars."

- Amanda Shiu from D.H. Chen Foundation has shared our programme with HKU Development and Alumni Office. She has also given us a media contact of South China Morning Post.

15 May, 2020

- The University of Leeds Vice-Chancellor's Office acknowledged the receipt and is considering.

14 May, 2020

- The University of Sheffield President & Vice-Chancellor's Office said "this does sound like it may well be of interest to us to become involved in." They are considering for a few days.

- The Vice Chancellor of the University of Exeter said "thank you very much indeed for bringing this to our attention and for taking the time to explain this very thoughtful initiative." They will be discussing it with their senior colleagues.

13 May, 2020

- Chief of Staff of the University of Warwick has "shared your invitation with our Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Learning Experience and our Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding so that it can be considered alongside other initiatives that we have either established ourselves or are looking to be involved with." They will get back in a few weeks with a decision.

- An individual supporter spread our programme in a minimum of 10 countries.

12 May, 2020 - Edinburgh Global Regional Manager (East Asia) Esther Sum promised to "include your initiative in our communications and presentations to new students" in the online information and pre-arrival sessions for prospective students. She was "very impressed by our initiative and passion for supporting student mental health and wellbeing during crisis."

11 May, 2020

- Dr. Jane McKie from the University of Edinburgh said, "This is such a cool and valuable initiative! What a great thing to have set up, and I'm full of admiration. I have distributed it to all my current students."

9 May, 2020

- Vice Chancellors of the University of Hong Kong highly appreciated our programme and was proud of us. He passed the message to the Dean of Student Affairs and the Head of the Registry's Academic Liason Section.

- Prof. Dermot Cavanagh from the University of Edinburgh said, "Thanks so much for letting me know about this initiative and I'm happy to spread the world! I very much hope this goes well and that you are keeping safe and well too."

6 May, 2020

- Had a call with Table Wisdom's CEO Rey Castuciano and they support our programme. We will refer buddies to each other.

5 May, 2020

- CAHSS Visiting Student Office of the University of Edinburgh supports our programme. They can promote it on their facebook page. The Head of the Visiting Student Office has also given permission for them to Tweet the programme.

- Macquarie University Student Representative Committee in Australia promoted our initiative through Facebook.

4 May, 2020

- Vice Chancellors of the University of Edinburgh passed the message to different departments. They endorsed our programme, promoting it as an initiative for wider dissemination among the student communities and updating this to all staff working in student support service.

1 April, 2020

- D.H. Chen Foundation promoted our initiative through LinkedIn.

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